"Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or both, even if you have ample time and a bedroom environment conducive to restful sleep. An insomnia diagnosis requires these sleep troubles to also cause daytime impairments, such as sleepiness or difficulty concentrating."- Sleep Foundation
Insomnia can happen to anyone who is experienced an especially difficult season of life, from the trauma of a natural disaster to the grief of losing a loved one. It is not unusual to wrestle with the intense emotions that impact our ability to sleep when we're facing the challenges of life. It is important to know the difference between short-term insomnia, which is more acute and often brought on by those circumstances that are beyond our control, and chronic insomnia, which continues long after a situation has resolved itself . The definition of insomnia takes timetable and life events into account.
Short-term insomnia doesn't last more than three months, and often follows a triggering event. Chronic insomnia, on the other hand, goes beyond three months and significantly impacts someone's daily life when they experience extreme sleepiness and difficulty with focus.
Is Insomnia a Mental Illness?
The connection between sleep and mental health is real. Psychology Today calls the relationship between sleep and mental health complex and multifaceted. When someone's having trouble sleeping, the opposite is true. They may feel moody or blue, have difficulty concentrating enough to work productively, and find themselves feeling generally dissatisfied with life. A 2018 study showed that 14.1% of participants sleeping less than 6 hours per night had some form of mental distress. When we are sleep deprived, this can bring on stress, becuase when we're not thinking clearly, routine decisions can become more challenging and creat distress when we're not sure what to do.
What Causes Insomnia?
As we have already mentioned, major life events can trigger insomnia. Other commom causes include:
Insomnia Symptoms
Someone describing insomnia may simply say they don't sleep well, but other in depth symptoms include:
How To Know When You Need Help with Insomnia
First, determine how long you have been experiencing sleep disruption. Next, consider the above symptoms and identify which ones, and how often you are experiencing them. Then ask yourself, "Was it after a significant life change?", "Did it begin with a death in the family?", or perhaps it came on gradually. Try to pinpoint this, as it is important information for insomnia treatment.
What to Expect When You Reach Out for Help
There are many tools in a providers toolkit to help those battling insomnia. When you reach out for help, you can expect to find a sympathetic listener who is ready to work with you toward a resolution. Some types of treatment may include: Medication Management, Supplements, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or Exercise.