
Our Services / OCD

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Mental Health located in Charlotte, NC and all of North Carolina


What is obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?

OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder is a mental health disorder that causes recurring, unwanted thoughts that trigger anxiety. A person with OCD eases this anxiety through compulsive behaviors. 

OCD is common and affects people of all ages. Researchers are still investigating what causes OCD, but theorize it may develop from a combination of genetics, environment, and brain structure and function.

Imaging studies indicate there are abnormalities in certain areas of the brain in people with OCD. Researchers theorize there’s a connection between these abnormalities and OCD symptoms, but it’s not clear how. 

What are the symptoms of OCD?

OCD symptoms may include obsessions, compulsive behaviors, or both. 


Obsession symptoms include repetitive, unwanted thoughts, impulses, or images that cause feelings of distress, disgust, or anxiety. 

People with OCD may realize that thoughts, impulses, and images are in their head and unreasonable. However, the distress of these obsessions cancels out logic and, instead, they engage in compulsive behaviors to reduce their distress. 

Compulsive behaviors

Compulsive behavior symptoms of OCD are repetitive behaviors or thoughts a person feels an intense need to go through in order to ease the distress caused by their obsession. 

These compulsive behaviors are usually an excessive response to the obsession, like excessive hand washing for those distressed by germs.  

What happens during an OCD evaluation?

Mr. Darden conducts a thorough evaluation during your initial telehealth appointment for OCD, so he can fully understand your concerns and needs. He evaluates your physical, emotional, and cognitive well-being. 

Mr. Darden asks about your OCD and your symptoms, as well as your mental health and medical history. 

What are my treatment options for OCD?

Mr. Darden takes a patient-centered and integrated approach to OCD care and customizes your treatment plan based on the severity of your symptoms and your personal needs and goals. Your treatment plan may include therapy, medication management, or both.


Mr. Darden customizes your individual treatment plan and therapy may be recommended to help you better understand OCD and develop mechanisms to manage your thoughts and behaviors.

Medication management

JD Wellness, LLC, specializes in medication management. Mr. Darden works closely with you, helping you find the right medication to ease your symptoms and improve your response to therapy.

With the right help, OCD can be managed to improve daily quality of life and enjoy life to the fullest. To schedule a telehealth appointment for OCD, call JD Wellness, LLC, or book online today.